Did you know that 53 percent of Americans are unhappy with their job?
Considering that we spend about one-third of our lives at work, that is a pretty disheartening statistic.
If you dislike your job, sometimes the best thing to do is to get a new one. However, for some people, this isn’t the solution. And for others, this simply isn’t an option.
Luckily, there are things you can do to find happiness in the workplace.
Check out this guide to learn how it’s done.
1. Unclutter Your Workspace
Article Summury
- 1. Unclutter Your Workspace
- 2. Intentionally Choose Happiness
- 3. Build Autonomy in Your Position
- Happiness in the Workplace: Are You Ready to Turn Things Around?
Uncluttering your workspace is one the easiest things you can do to feel happier about your work.
When your workspace is clutter-free, you’re more organized and more efficient at your job.
And, a clean desk also helps make your work environment feel less hectic and stressful.
So, take a couple of hours to clean out your workspace- it really can make a world of a difference.
2. Intentionally Choose Happiness
Happiness isn’t something that just happens out of the blue. Happiness is a choice.
So, if you want to feel happier about your work environment, you need to choose to do so.
Now, reprogramming your brain to feel happy in your job is easier said than done. However, with small steps, it’s certainly something that you can achieve.
Here are some things you can do to intentionally choose happiness every day:
- Before going into work, have a few minutes of mindfulness where you check in with yourself to set your intentions for the day. If you’re feeling unhappy before going into work, do something to turn that feeling around
- Commit to making small positive changes each day
- Improve your interpersonal relationship skills
- Choose to be around people who help foster a positive environment
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Also, keep in mind that just as happiness is a habit, so is unhappiness. If you’re always complaining and focusing on the negative about your job, you’ll get stuck in a rut.
In order to be happy, you need to commit to the decision each day.
However, it’s also important to note that for some people, unhappiness isn’t exactly a choice. Many people suffer from a mental disorder called depression that makes it nearly impossible for them to be happy.
If you think you may be one of these people, check out this guide to learn what depression feels like.
3. Build Autonomy in Your Position
Building your autonomy is one of the best ways to be happier and more productive at work.
In fact, studies show that employees with greater autonomy report greater overall job satisfaction.
But, you can’t just ask your superiors to back off and give you more space. In order to earn autonomy, you need to prove yourself as a trustworthy and reliable and employee.
To demonstrate to your employers that you’re ready for a more autonomous role, make sure you show up on time every day and get your work done early. You should also make sure you respond to your employers promptly and in detail, and, you should offer yourself as a mentor to lower-ranking employees.
Happiness in the Workplace: Are You Ready to Turn Things Around?
Now that you know how to achieve happiness in the workplace, it’s time to give these tips a shot.
And, if you liked this blog post, be sure to check back in for more career-related tips and tricks.