5 Signs You Are Overdue for an Air Duct CleaningPhoto by Nick Bolton

Originally Posted On: https://larsenheatingandair.com/2020/07/12/5-signs-you-are-overdue-for-an-air-duct-cleaning/


Let’s be honest — how long has it been since you’ve cleaned your air ducts? For most people, the answer is too long. If you don’t clean your air ducts every few years, you could experience problems with cooling and airflow!

Here are five telltale signs that you are due for a good air duct cleaning.

1. You Can See Dust or Mold in the Vents

If you can see dust on your vent covers — even if it’s a thin layer — it’s time to clean your air ducts.

Brushing away this dust with a duster simply won’t do the job. It’ll help aesthetically, but it won’t get to the core of the problem. If there’s dust on the outside of the vents, there’s likely much more on the inside.

The dust build-up doesn’t stop at the vents, either. If you have dust on the outside of your vent, that means dust is being blown around your home. You might notice more dust on your furniture, and faster build-up after your routine dusting.

If the problem gets bad enough, you might notice mold on the vents! This is considerably more difficult to clean, so it’s important to clean those ducts before mold settles in.

If you consistently see dust build-up on your vents, consider a deep clean. Call a professional. They’ll be able to safely and efficiently clean the deepest parts of your air ducts.

2. You Notice Inconsistent Airflow

Is one room in your house consistently stuffier than the others? Does the airflow feel off? This is a telltale sign of dirty air ducts.

Dust and dirt can clog up your air ducts if left uncleaned for too long. This leads to inconsistent airflow and stuffy rooms. The only way to fix it is by getting your air ducts cleaned.

Inconsistent airflow in rooms like the bathroom or kitchen, which can get consistently moist, can lead to mold production. That can lead to health issues for you and your family. If you notice mold in any rooms of your home, it may be the air ducts.

3. Your Home Is Newly Built/Renovated

You might think a new home has the cleanest air ducts possible, but that may not be the case.

Construction and renovation projects lead to a lot of airborne dust and debris. This includes drywall dust, dirt from the floors and walls, and paint chips. This debris will end up in the air ducts, leading to airflow issues straight from the get-go.

Ideally, the renovation/construction crew will cover up all the air ducts and vents while working. If they have, your ducts are much more likely to stay clean. But some crews will neglect to do this, leading to an unclean duct.

Some of the debris, like paint chips and dust, can even be harmful to your health. You definitely don’t want to be breathing it in! That makes it doubly important to get on the issue as soon as you move back in.

If you’ve moved into a new place, or your place was just renovated, contact a professional duct cleaning service.

4. Your Heating & Cooling Costs Are Rising

Have you noticed any changes in your heating and cooling bills recently? Unclean ducts could be the reason.

Usually, cooling and heating bills are fairly predictable. They may fluctuate slightly month to month, but they’ll almost always fall within the same range. If your bill has been climbing recently, you should look into getting your ducts cleaned.

When your ducts get dirty, dust and debris will stop the air from flowing as freely. That means your air conditioner and furnace have to work a lot harder to reach the temperature you’ve set them to. When your furnace and AC work harder they emit more energy, meaning a much higher monthly bill.

An increase in your bill could also mean a leaking duct. If your duct is leaking, more air than you want is going to escape. Again, this leads to a higher bill.

Contact a professional duct cleaning service to get to the bottom of this. Most likely, it’s a dirty duct. But if it is a leak, the professionals will know how to take care of it in a fast and efficient manner.

5. You’ve Recently Had a Pest Problem

If you’ve recently gotten over a pest problem, or are currently going through one, you should get your ducts cleaned asap.

Whether it’s cockroaches, mice, or bed bugs, any pest can lead to an air duct problem. Many pests like to hide in dark places, and your air ducts are one of the best options. This is especially true when it comes to the dreaded cockroach.

If you had a pest problem, your ducts will take in all the waste produced by these pests. Even worse, pests will climb in your ducts and die there, leaving behind a rotting corpse. This will lead to blocked air ducts.

To further the problem, exterminator chemicals can also get trapped in your air ducts. These chemicals are poisonous, so you don’t want to be breathing them in. Combine that with pest corpses and waste, and you definitely need to get your ducts cleaned.

Breathing in any combination of these materials can be hazardous to your health. It may cause allergic reactions such as rashes, sneezing, and coughing. If you notice any of these signs, and you recently had a pest issue, get your vents cleaned fast.

Hire the Best Air Duct Cleaning Service Around

If you notice any of the five problems listed above, it’s time to get an air duct cleaning.

Don’t brush the issue aside any longer — this is about more than an airflow issue. By refusing to take care of the problem, you could be harming the health of everyone in your home! Thankfully, you don’t have to go at it alone.

Breathe easy by hiring Larsen Heating and Air to clean your air ducts. You won’t find a more thorough and professional service in Utah.