4 online dating profile disasters to avoid

If you still think there’s a stigma attached to using a dating site or app to find a mate, think again. Online dating has now become the most popular way couples in the U.S. meet, surpassing being introduce by friends.

Sadly, however, many people’s online dating profiles are full of mistakes that would send anyone running for the hills. Just as your online job hunting profile requires thought and effort to make you stand out, so too should your online dating profile.

To know how to attract some great dates and the love of your life online, it helps to know what not to do. Here are five mistakes to avoid when creating your profile.

1. Not Showing Your Face in Photos

People want to know what you look like, so be sure to include a photo where your face isn’t obscured by sunglasses, a hat, a mask, or any other object or accessory. You should include one clear headshot that preferably is not a mirror selfie. Not showing your face will make other people wonder if you have something to hide and you’re less likely to attract potential dates.

Make a winning first impression by smiling in at least some of your photos, particularly your headshot. You want to come across as friendly and positive.

Avoid including photos that show off your physique or certain body parts; some things should remain a secret until you find the right partner to get intimate with.

2. Bashing Exes and Being Negative

Everyone has had bad experiences in their love life, but your online dating profile is not the place to air your grievances. You need to show potential dates that you’ve moved on, have forgotten about the past, and are emotionally available for the next relationship.

Complaining about the gender you’re wishing to attract will have the opposite effect so just don’t do it. If you’re angry about dating or a past relationship then you’re not ready to post an online dating profile.

3. Saying the Same Thing As Everyone Else

Who doesn’t love going to the movies and romantic walks along the beach? However, it’s pretty boring to read the same general description of themselves from everyone online.

Instead, use this opportunity to stand out from the crowd by mentioning the things that make you cute and quirky. Maybe you’re a master mandolin player or you make a mean sushi roll. Or maybe you’ve made some positive changes in your life.

Whatever it is that makes you unique and stand out, definitely highlight it in your profile. Using a site such as Profile Helper can provide tips on how to write a compelling dating summary of yourself that will pique interest.

4. Being Dishonest

It’s easy for people to hide things online, but don’t do it. You will always be found out and you’ll only hurt others and your chances at finding love in the process.

For a start, always be upfront about your age, height, weight, employment status, and if you have children in your profile. It’s pretty obvious once you meet someone in person whether they lied about their physical qualities.

A Great Online Dating Profile Avoids These Mistakes

Avoid these four mistakes when creating your online dating profile to increase your chances of attracting a loving relationship with the right person. Don’t forget to keep tweaking your profile as something in your life changes, such as changing jobs or obtaining a degree.

Once you’re attracting potential partners online, check out our great date ideas.